Lung Health Check

What is your Lung Health Check?

Our Lung Health Check is exclusively available with a Preventicum assessment. Clients with specific risk factors may be referred for a low-dose CT (LDCT) scan of the lungs. This quick, painless and non-invasive imaging test is highly effective at detecting lung abnormalities, including early-stage lung cancer. Unlike a traditional chest x-ray, an LDCT scan provides detailed images that can reveal cancers too small to be seen with other methods, offering a critical advantage in early detection.

Who should consider a Lung Health Check?

We recommend low-dose CT (LDCT) scans for clients at higher risk of lung cancer. You may benefit from this if you are over the age of 35 and meet any of the following criteria: 

  • Have ever smoked 
  • Have a persistent cough
  • Have had Covid-19 and have ongoing symptoms
  • Have a family history of lung cancer

If any of these risk factors apply to you, we strongly recommend regular Lung Health Checks to help detect any potential issues as early as possible. 

How can I book your Lung Health Check? 

Our Lung Health Check is exclusively available as part of a Preventicum health assessment. If you are over 35 and meet one or more of the following criteria – have ever smoked, have a persistent cough, have had Covid-19 with ongoing symptoms, or have a family history of lung cancer – we can arrange your Lung Health Check either before or after your assessment. In some cases, it may be possible to book it on the same day. 

If you have concerns about your lung health but do not meet these criteria or are considering a Lung Health Check as a standalone test, rather than as part of your Preventicum health assessment, we recommend speaking with your GP who can advise on the most clinically appropriate next steps to address your concerns. 

Where is the Lung Health Check performed? 

The LDCT scan of your lungs will take place at Queen Square Imaging Centre, one of London’s most established diagnostic imaging centres. Queen Square is just a ten minute walk from Preventicum or a five minute taxi ride. We can book your Lung Health Check for you and your scan results will be incorporated into your Preventicum results report and available on your dedicated client portal.

What happens if something is found on my Lung Health Check scan? 

In partnership with HLHLung, LDCT scans performed at Queen Square are analysed by one of our Preventicum Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologists, supported by advanced technology, which enhances the detection of lung abnormalities that might otherwise be missed by the human eye. 

While findings are common, most are noncancerous and harmless. If any concerning abnormalities are detected, you will have the opportunity to discuss these with your Preventicum Doctor and we would refer you to a Respiratory Consultant for further investigations if clinically appropriate. 

How much does your Lung Health Check cost? 

Our Lung Health Check is £750 and includes a consultation with your Preventicum Doctor, a LDCT scan of your lungs at Queen Square and reporting by a Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologist. Your Preventicum Doctor will refer you to a Respiratory Consultant if clinically indicated. Your Lung Health Check results will be included in your Preventicum results report and available on your dedicated client portal.


Preventicum has partnered with HLHLung at Queen Square to offer a specialised Lung Health Check for clients with an increased risk of lung cancer. Research shows that a low-dose chest CT scan (LDCT) can save lives by identifying lung abnormalities, including early-stage lung cancer when treatment is most effective. The LDCT scan is quick, painless and provides detailed images, which will be reported on by the HLHLung team of expert Consultant Cardiothoracic Radiologists.

Is LDCT safe? 

During a low-dose CT (LDCT) scan, you are briefly exposed to a small, highly focused amount of radiation in the form of x-rays. The state-of-the-art scanner at Queen Square uses significantly lower doses of radiation that conventional scanners and your Lung Health Check scan would deliver five times less radiation than a traditional CT scan of the same area, equivalent to one year’s worth of background radiation living in London.

For more information, please contact our Client Relations Team

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