Simple. Click here to email us, or you can telephone us on +44 (0)20 7605 6900. We take a 50% deposit at the time of your booking.
We ask you to fast for six hours before your assessment. You may drink still water and we recommend that you are well hydrated. Please avoid tea, coffee, juice or anything fizzy, including sparkling water. When we perform the abdominal ultrasound, fasting enables the gallbladder to fill with bile and expand, making it visible on the scans.
Please let our Client Relations Team know that you are diabetic when booking as they will book either our earliest or latest assessment times. If you come in early, we will ask you to fast until you have had your blood tests and ultrasound examinations and will then give you something to eat. If we book you in for a later assessment, you will be advised to have an early, light breakfast and fast for 6 hours before your assessment. You should continue to take your medication and drink water during this time.
If you are fitted with a pacemaker, we will not perform MRI scans due to the associated risks. You will also be unable to undergo our body composition test as the electrical currents of the InBody may disrupt the functionality of life-sustaining implants. Our Client Relations Team will be able to advise you further.
No, MRI is a completely painless, safe and radiation-free imaging technique that uses strong magnets and radio waves to create detailed images of your body. To help you feel as comfortable as possible, our scanners are designed with in-bore technology, calming ambient lighting, the ability to speak to us and the option to stream your favourite music or a movie. You may hear a series of loud tapping or buzzing noises from the scanner and you may experience some heat and vibration during your scans. Our radiographers will guide you through every step, ensuring a smooth and reassuring experience.
It is not advisable to complete spirometry if you have a history of a detached retina as a rare complication of spirometry is retinal detachment. Tonometry can be used to help to diagnose a retinal detachment and therefore is fine to perform.
The services we offer are different from our competitors in some important ways. Preventicum is the only clinic to offer this level of health assessment in a ‘5-star’ environment. We use x-ray free MRI technology to scan the brain, heart, central arteries and organs or the abdomen and pelvis for any signs of risk factors or existing underlying problems. We combine the latest technology and consultations with experienced doctors alongside traditional examinations such as ultrasound, blood and urine analysis to offer one of the most advanced and safest full-body health assessments available.
If you are over 30 and interested in your long-term health, then a health assessment at Preventicum is appropriate for you. We use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain detailed images of specific areas of the body. MRI is x-ray free and has no known side-effects.
Yes it could. If the results of the health assessment are normal, then this can be favourable to your insurance risk. It is possible that we could find an issue which when declared to an insurance provider at a later stage could negatively influence your future medical insurance risk.
A tiered pricing structure and personalised discounts.
A dedicated account manager to oversee your account.
A dedicated member of our client relations team to deal with your employees’ bookings and queries.
Medical health assessments offered to employees are tax exempt.
Benefits to a company include: lower absenteeism, improved productivity, reduction of staff turnover and an improvement of employer-employee relations.
For more information, please call +44 (0)20 7605 6900.
Yes, there are extra blood tests you can consider which will be discussed with the Preventicum doctor in your morning assessment. Sometimes these blood tests may take longer to process so are not available on the day but will be detailed in your final report.
Common blood test requests include: Blood group, menopause blood tests, fertility blood tests, B12 and folate and testosterone.
Our assessments include an initial consultation with your Preventicum Doctor where any concerns about your gynaecological health and gynaecological history can be discussed. A physical examination of the pelvic region and a cervical screening test can be completed when clinically indicated. Our assessments include a transabdominal pelvic ultrasound where the ovaries, uterus and bladder can be assessed and we can complete a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound if clinically indicated. Our pelvic MRI scan can also visualise these organs to support the findings from the ultrasound scan. In situations where it is difficult to see the ovaries, such as when there is overlying bowel gas obstructing the view, further investigations with a specialist can be recommended and facilitated by our doctors if there is a specific concern and clinical indication.
We perform pelvic ultrasound and MRI scans (MRI is included in our Optimal and Ultimate Assessments) which allow the ovaries to be visualised and for the identification of any pathology. We would recommend further monitoring/investigation, as appropriate, for any findings from these scans.
CA125 is not specific as a tumour marker and is not an accurate screening test for ovarian cancer alone. It is also raised in endometriosis, fibroids and pregnancy. If we identify anything concerning from the history or imaging, we recommend further tests that may include CA125.
During your Preventicum assessment you will have a detailed consultation with your Preventicum Doctor, which includes discussing your personal and family history of breast cancer. A full breast examination is offered, as well as a thorough explanation of breast self-examination. If full breast screening is clinically indicated, we can refer you to a specialist breast clinic.
If we discover a suspicious breast lesion or change, symptomatic breast disease (e.g. breast pain, nipple changes), a strong family history of breast cancer or breast abnormalities detected on cardiac MRI (non-dedicated breast imaging) during your Preventicum assessment, we can refer to a breast specialist in our recommended network of specialists.
Breast screening is appropriate for women over 40 although consideration should be taken that breast tissue in women under the age of 50 is often denser and a combination of mammography and breast ultrasound is appropriate. Breast screening with mammography is not appropriate if a mammogram has been completed within the last 12 months.
Mammography is still considered the gold standard for screening for breast cancer in the general population, although this is recommended to be combined with whole breast ultrasound scanning in women with denser breast tissue. Our health assessments routinely include a breast cancer risk assessment, a breast examination and advice on breast awareness.
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is a condition where the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle become narrowed or blocked. This can lead to reduced blood flow to the heart, potentially causing chest pain (angina) or, in severe cases, a heart attack.
At Preventicum, our advanced cardiac MRI scans and exercise stress echocardiograms help to identify evidence of CAD. These cutting-edge techniques allow us to visualise the structure and function of the heart, assess blood flow, and identify any areas of reduced perfusion or abnormalities that may indicate CAD. Early identification of CAD enables important lifestyle, pharmacological and in severe cases surgical interventions to be implemented to prevent a heart attack.
Our exercise stress echocardiogram is included in all our assessments. During this test, you will exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill while one of our cardiac physiologists monitors your blood pressure and heart rhythm. One of our experienced echo physiologists will take echocardiogram images of your heart both at rest and following exercise to determine whether your left ventricle (main pumping chamber of your heart) is contracting well. The echocardiogram helps us to see how well the heart muscle wall is moving because abnormal motion of the heart wall indicates an area which is not getting enough blood and oxygen while you exercise. This therefore provides information regarding coronary artery health. The assessment of the left ventricle is done visually by our physiologists who record this pattern, alongside the electrocardiogram (ECG) trace which is being taken before and during exercise validated by our Specialist Cardiology Consultant.
The primary aim of a VO2max test is to measure the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilise during intense or maximal exercise. It is an indicator of aerobic fitness and endurance capacity which is primarily useful in sports science and conditioning.
At Preventicum, we include an exercise stress echocardiogram in all our assessments in preference to VO2 max testing. Although VO2max testing and an exercise stress echocardiogram are both types of exercise test, they serve different purposes and provide different types of information. An exercise stress echocardiogram is performed on either a treadmill or exercise bike and aims to detect and evaluate heart disease, making it a valuable tool in clinical cardiology. Coronary artery health can be assessed with an exercise stress echocardiogram because heart muscle wall motion abnormalities can be identified, indicating an area of the heart that is not receiving enough blood and oxygen. Please see the exercise stress echocardiogram FAQ for further information.
We are excited to partner with Area19 to introduce Oxygenation-Sensitive Cardiac MRI to our Optimal Assessment. This world first in preventive health assessments offers a stress and medication free way of testing coronary vascular function in just three minutes, using AI-informed analysis, offering a significant leap in cardiac diagnostics. The test, involving one brief breath-hold, followed by a minute of rapid breathing (hyperventilation) and another, long breath-hold, effectively triggers a response of the heart’s vasculature. The analysis of images and associated information, is meticulously validated by a Specialist Cardiology Consultant, ensuring the reliability of this innovative method in detecting subtle cardiac irregularities. This approach not only provides detailed insights into the heart’s responsiveness but also holds the potential to uncover early abnormalities in clinically healthy individuals. This test complements our stress echocardiogram by providing additional detail of not only the large vessels supplying the heart, but also the small vessels of the heart (microvasculature) where disease of either can lead to a heart attack.
Our Optimal⁺ and Ultimate⁺ Assessments are for men over 45 years old or those with a family history of prostate cancer. These assessments include a biparametric MRI scan of the prostate, providing detailed, high-definition images, to detect abnormalities that could be associated with prostate disease or prostate cancer.
In combination with a detailed medical questionnaire, a consultation with your Preventicum Doctor, your PSA blood test result and ultrasound scans, your Optimal⁺ or Ultimate⁺ Assessment will provide an even more thorough evaluation of your prostate health.
Our advanced assessments detect the earliest signs of and risk factors for heart disease, 15 cancers, stroke, diabetes and many other conditions, so that you can optimise your health and enjoy your life to the full.
No. At Preventicum we do not use scans that emit any ionising radiation (‘X-rays’) nor do we use any radioactive substances. We have purposely chosen ultrasound and MRI scanning technology which use sound waves and radio waves in a magnetic field to look inside the body. There is no x-ray exposure in ultrasound or MRI scans.
No. CT scans are a completely different type of scan which also produce detailed images of inside the body. They generally use high dose x-rays and so we prefer not to use these for health checks in asymptomatic individuals unless clinically indicated. Some studies have suggested an increased risk of harm from multiple CT scans, so we prefer to use MRI.
We look for symptoms and signs of respiratory disease in our detailed medical questionnaire, and our clinical examination and spirometry (lung function) test. The benefits of scanning the lungs using CT or chest x-rays in health assessments are unclear and medical research shows a significant number of false positive readings. This can cause anxiety and further unnecessary investigations.
Trucheck is a blood test that can detect circulating tumour cells from solid structures which can lead to the development of a cancer in the future rather than being definitive for the presence of cancer. Your immune system has the capability of eradicating these circulating tumour cells which prevents the progression to a malignancy. From detailed analysis of this test, which has included discussions with Consultant Oncologists, we do not feel that it is appropriate to offer this test currently.
We are actively monitoring the research into this field of Multi Cancer Detection (MCED) tests whilst ensuring that we continue to offer the most comprehensive packages in preventive health including the identification of cancers. Our combination of blood tests, ultrasound scans and MRI scans support our Preventicum Doctors in identifying the signs and risk factors for cancer.
The Galleri test is one of a few early cancer detection blood tests in development which aims to detect a cancer specific signal found in DNA. This is still undergoing a major NHS clinical trial and is therefore not available commercially in the UK. Although early data in individuals with suspected symptoms of cancer is promising, there are no published results about the effectiveness of the test in asymptomatic individuals and for its use as a screening tool. Furthermore, additional detailed research is required to ensure that early cancer detection tests have a positive impact on morbidity and mortality rates when used as a screening test.
We are actively monitoring the research into this field of Multi Cancer Detection (MCED) tests whilst ensuring that we continue to offer the most comprehensive packages in preventive health including the identification of cancers. Our combination of blood tests, ultrasound scans and MRI scans support our Preventicum Doctors in identifying the signs and risk factors for cancer.
Most of your examination results, including the blood analysis, will be ready in time for your final consultation with your Preventicum doctor. They will explain everything to you and answer any questions you may have, as well as offering lifestyle advice.
Our Optimal Assessment takes approximately 7 hours and an Ultimate health assessment takes approximately 6 hours.
Although our Preventicum health assessments are very comprehensive, after taking a thorough history and carrying out a physical examination, our doctors may sometimes recommend further tests. If the doctor recommends an extra test or scan outside the usual scope of the health assessment and we can perform this for you at Preventicum, the doctor will discuss this with you at the time and you can make an informed decision as to whether to proceed.
When you book your health assessment, we will send you an email with all the information you will need for it. We have Preventicum tracksuits and slippers for you to wear for the duration of your visit. You should bring trainers/running shoes for all health assessments as you may use a treadmill or exercise bike and our female clients may wish to bring a front fastening sports bra to change into, although we do have a supply in the clinic. If you wear contact lenses, please bring a case as you will need to remove these for your tonometry testing.
If we discover a borderline or abnormal result in any examination, we will discuss this with you. You have several options for what happens next: Firstly, we can send a copy of your report to your GP and you can discuss it with them before you decide what course of action to take.
No, you can simply contact us and book your assessment without a referral.
If you cancel or reschedule within 5 working days’ a cancellation fee will be charged equal to the full cost of the assessment. If you cancel or reschedule with 6 or more working days’ notice a full refund will be given.
Our clinic is located in Central London’s Chancery Lane, please visit our contact page for more information.
Yes, before the clinic opened, Preventicum secured registration with the Healthcare Commission, which is now called the Care Quality Commission.
Our clients’ privacy is very important to us. All your personal details, examination results and images are secure and will never be given out without your consent, including to your GP. Preventicum complies with the Data Protection Act.
UK medical insurance policies do not generally cover the cost of preventive health assessments. Some European and US policies will cover part of the cost, but you will need to check these details with your insurer. If you have a referral letter for a specific examination or scan, you should check with your insurance company to see if they will cover the cost of this for you.
Yes, Preventicum is suitable for wheelchair access. Please let us know before your assessment if you require any assistance.
It is rare that we are unable to perform tests on clients due to size, however, clients heavier than 125Kg (20 stone) need to be aware that image quality and resolution may be significantly compromised in MRI and in abdominal and pelvic ultrasound images. Our assessments includes an exercise echocardiogram where we use a supine bike with an upper weight limit of 130kg (approximately 20 stone) or a treadmill with an upper weight limit of 180kg (approximately 28 stone).
If you are or think you may be pregnant, please contact us before you book a health assessment including MRI scanning and ask to speak to one of our doctors. We would not normally carry out MRI scanning as part of a health assessment until after the pregnancy, since these are elective procedures that can be postponed.
Although there is no known reason not to have MRI scans while breastfeeding, we advise that you wait until 24 hours after your scan before continuing to breastfeed, due to use of the contrast agent Gadolinium.
Preventicum is registered by the Care Quality Commission and our status does not permit anyone under the age of 18 within the clinic.
It’s an old saying, but it’s true. Prevention is better than cure. If we pick up risk factors or specific conditions early, i.e., before symptoms appear, the likelihood is that treatment will be simpler and more effective.
A Preventicum Health Assessment can identify the lifestyle modification needed to reduce your long-term risk for certain diseases. For example, 40% of men and women in the UK die from cardiovascular diseases, which are in the main preventable if risk factors or symptoms are found early on.
Simple. Click here to email us, or you can telephone us on +44 (0)20 7605 6900. Please be aware that we take a 50% deposit at the time of your booking.
The services we offer are different from our competitors in some important ways. For instance, Preventicum is the only clinic to offer this level of health assessment in a ‘5-star’ environment. We use x-ray free MRI technology to scan the brain, heart, central arteries and organs or the abdomen and pelvis for any signs of risk factors or existing underlying problems. We combine the latest technology and consultations with experienced doctors alongside traditional examinations such as ultrasound, blood and urine analysis to offer one of the most advanced and safest full-body health assessments available.
Yes it could. If the results of the health assessment are normal, then this can be favourable to your insurance risk. It is possible that we could find an issue which when declared to an insurance provider at a later stage could negatively influence your future medical insurance risk.
This is however a risk that exists with any medical consultant or interaction, as health insurance companies normally ask for authority to see all previous medical records before insuring – including but not limited to GP records.
If you are over 30 and interested in your long-term health, then a health assessment at Preventicum is appropriate for you. We use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to obtain detailed images of specific areas of the body. MRI is x-ray free and has no known side-effects.
We use the latest technology, together with experienced doctors in a ‘5-star’ clinic to provide one of the most advanced and safest full-body health assessments available in Europe
We ask you to fast for six hours before your assessment. You may drink still water and we recommend that you are well hydrated. Please avoid tea, coffee, juice or anything fizzy, including sparkling water. When we perform the abdominal ultrasound, fasting enables the gallbladder to fill with bile and expand, making it visible on the scans.
Air is naturally swallowed when we eat and drink. Ultrasound imaging is unable to penetrate air, so visualisation of the abdominal organs is impaired. We also take fasting bloods, specifically for blood sugar and cholesterol. Being well hydrated by drinking still water before your blood tests makes taking blood easier.
There are recognised limitations in any testing process across all aspects of life, no matter how rigorously thorough. We’ll discuss this at your consultation.
Yes, there are extra blood tests you can consider which will be discussed with the Preventicum doctor in your morning assessment. Sometimes these blood tests may take longer to process so are not available on the day but will be detailed in your final report.
Common blood test requests include: Blood group, COVID antibody tests, menopause blood tests, fertility blood tests, B12 and folate and testosterone.
We perform an ultrasound and MRI (MRI is included in our Elite and Ultimate Assessments) of the ovaries which would identify any pathology, we would then recommend further monitoring/investigation as appropriate.
CA125 is not specific as a tumour marker, and so is not an accurate screening test for ovarian cancer alone. It is also raised in endometriosis, fibroids and pregnancy. If we identify anything concerning from the history or imaging, we recommend further tests that may include CA125.
Yes. We offer a variety of Covid antibody tests, which can assess the person’s previous exposure to Covid 19 and natural immunity. We also have new tests that can assess vaccine response including the SCOV test by Roche and the VirTus test. You can discuss this with your Preventicum doctor on the day with regards to suitability and timing of the test.
No. We do not offer PCR swabs for travel or test to release.
Mammography is still considered the gold standard for the screening of breast cancer. All our health assessments routinely include a breast cancer risk assessment, a breast examination and advice on breast awareness.
We also offer an additional full breast screening service for women who require this either because it is clinically recommended based on their history, or because they want it and it is clinically appropriate. It is a consultant-led service, which can include breast ultrasound and digital mammography and is performed by a dedicated consultant breast radiologist in a nearby centre of excellence.
If necessary, a suspicious lesion can be sampled using FNA (fine needle aspiration) at the same consultation. This breast screening capability is supplementary to our full screen and costs a small additional fee. We can arrange a taxi from Preventicum if planned in advance.
Women aged 45 and over who book a Preventicum check-up should be asked if they want this service, which comes at an additional cost. Generally, it is offered annually between age 45 and 50 and two yearly after 50.
We do not currently offer MRI breast screening. MRI is effective at detecting breast cancers, but this technology is still at the research stage in terms of screening. It is very appropriate for younger women with fatty dense breast tissue and will probably soon surpass mammography in this context.
However, the procedure is time-consuming – screening one individual takes 40 minutes compared to ten minutes for a mammogram. If a suspicious lesion is found it may be so small as to only be detectable with MRI which means it may only be possible to biopsy it under MRI control. So, there is much research to be done in this field before its use becomes more widespread. We continue to monitor the situation.
We look for symptoms and signs of respiratory disease in our detailed medical questionnaire, and our clinical examination and spirometry (lung function) test. The benefits of scanning the lungs using CT or chest x-rays in health assessments are unclear and medical research shows a significant number of false positive readings. This can cause anxiety and further unnecessary investigations.
CT scanning also involves radiation exposure, which can be harmful. This procedure will not be employed at Preventicum until we see more evidence of the benefits of using radiation-based screening. High-risk individuals may be referred for further investigation if our medical team feels this is appropriate.
We look for the main killer diseases and their principal risk factors.
No. At Preventicum we do not use scans that emit any ionising radiation (‘X-rays’) nor do we use any radioactive substances. We have purposely chosen ultrasound and MRI scanning technology which use sound waves and radio waves in a magnetic field to look inside the body. There is no x-ray exposure in ultrasound or MRI scans.
Most of your examination results, including the blood analysis, will be ready in time for your final consultation with your Preventicum doctor. They will explain everything to you and answer any questions you may have, as well as offering lifestyle advice.
Before this consultation, you will meet our radiologist and go on a unique ‘virtual tour’ of your body during which you will see all your MRI images. A full written report of all your results, with a USB of your MRI images, will be sent to you within twelve working days.
An Elite Health Assessment takes approximately 6 hours, an Ultimate health assessment takes approximately 5 ½ hours and our Essential Check-Up takes approximately 4 ½ hours.
Although our Preventicum health assessments are very comprehensive, after taking a thorough history and carrying out a physical examination, our doctors may sometimes recommend further tests. If the doctor recommends an extra test or scan outside the usual scope of the health assessment and we can perform this for you at Preventicum, the doctor will discuss this with you at the time and you can make an informed decision as to whether to proceed.
If an additional charge applies, you will usually be required to settle the balance at the end of your health assessment unless we have a prior arrangement with your company. Please be assured we will only recommend extra tests or scans if clinically indicated.
No. CT scans are a completely different type of scan which also produce detailed images of inside the body. They generally use high dose x-rays and so we prefer not to use these for health checks in asymptomatic individuals unless clinically indicated. Some studies have suggested an increased risk of harm from multiple CT scans, so we prefer to use MRI.
When you book your health assessment, we will send you an email with all the information you will need for it. We have Preventicum tracksuits and slippers for you to wear for the duration of your visit. You should bring trainers/running shoes for all health assessments as you may use a treadmill and our female clients may wish to bring a sports bra to change into.
If you have undergone a health screen, medical examination, or any other significant test in the last three years, please bring reports and/or results with you, including any significant x-ray or MRI films.
If we discover a borderline or abnormal result in any examination, we will discuss this with you. You have several options for what happens next: Firstly, we can send a copy of your report to your GP and you can discuss it with them before you decide what course of action to take.
Secondly, we can arrange for any necessary further investigation or possible treatment to take place via a referral to one of our network of specialists. We can organise this for you if you wish. Preventicum doctors and administrative staff will always be available on the telephone if you need any information or have any questions after your health assessment. We always recommend that you keep your own GP informed.
No, you can simply contact us and book your assessment without a referral.
Our health assessments are very thorough and if your results are normal, we would advise an annual visit for those aged 50 and over, alternating between our Ultimate and Essential assessments. For those under 50 years old, we would suggest alternating between our Ultimate and Essential assessments every 18 months. We may suggest a repeat of a particular examination or blood test within a few months if results are borderline or abnormal.
If you cancel or reschedule with 5 or less clear* working days’ notice, a cancellation fee will be charged equal to the full cost of the health assessment. If you cancel or reschedule with six or more clear working days’ notice and up to 20 working days’ notice, a £75 administration fee will be charged.
Refunds will not be given if any part of your assessment, including MRI scanning, is not able to be carried out due to factors including but not limited to: claustrophobia, illness and pregnancy.
*Clear working days do not include the day of the appointment or the day on which notice is being given.
Our clinic is located in Central London’s Chancery Lane, please visit our contact page for more information.
Yes, before the clinic opened, Preventicum secured registration with the Healthcare Commission, which is now called the Care Quality Commission.
Our clients’ privacy is very important to us. All your personal details, examination results and images are secure and will never be given out without your consent, including to your GP. Preventicum complies with the Data Protection Act.
UK medical insurance policies do not generally cover the cost of preventive health assessments. Some European and US policies will cover part of the cost, but you will need to check these details with your insurer. If you have a referral letter for a specific examination or scan, you should check with your insurance company to see if they will cover the cost of this for you.
Yes, Preventicum is suitable for wheelchair access. Please let us know before your assessment if you require any assistance.
It is rare that we are unable to perform tests on clients due to size, however, clients heavier than 125Kg (20 stone) need to be aware that image quality and resolution may be significantly compromised in MRI and in abdominal and pelvic ultrasound images. Our Ultimate health assessment includes an exercise echocardiogram where we use a treadmill test and there is an upper weight limit of around 160kg (25 stone) for this.
If you are or think you may be pregnant, please contact us before you book a health assessment including MRI scanning and ask to speak to one of our doctors. We would not normally carry out MRI scanning as part of a health assessment until after the pregnancy, since these are elective procedures that can be postponed.
There are no known risks of ultrasound in pregnancy and antenatal ultrasound is routinely used in the UK. We would not normally perform a smear test until after pregnancy even though there is no evidence that this is harmful.
Although there is no known reason not to have MRI scans while breastfeeding, we advise that you wait until 24 hours after your scan before continuing to breastfeed, due to use of the contrast agent Gadolinium.
Preventicum is registered by the Quality Care Commission and our status does not permit anyone under the age of 18 within the clinic.